The quality of wine is closely related to its color. Our device allows for a more precise and human-perceived definition of color which make it useful for various application such as establishing a target color to achieve or monitor color change throughout the winemaking process.
Main features
Results are expressed in Lab* and LCh* coordinates according to the CIELab model, commonly used in other industries, which allows for a more precise and human-perceived definition of color.
The device allows for performing checks on a single sample or in comparison with a standard and is capable of storing up to 350 measurements and recording up to 30 reference colors.
Users can monitor color throughout the winemaking process to achieve the desired final color by comparing it to a reference sample, for blending, and defining color objectives in specifications.
Compared to current practices for lab analysis, performing real-time color checks helps avoid color changes resulting from oxygen exposure during sampling or analysis delays.