Vinventions is very proud to be the first company worldwide to have achieved South Pole‘s Net Zero Plastic to Nature label for its Nomacorc Blue Line range of wine closures. This achievement concretely reflects Vinventions’ vision to be a sustainability leader in the wine industry and is the latest milestone in the company’s long term sustainability journey to help preserve our planet.
Nomacorc Blue Line’s “Net Zero Plastic to Nature” ambition makes sure that as a direct result of our activities, no plastic is added to the world balance. This means that for every ton of plastic used in Nomacorc Blue Line closures, an equivalent amount is permanently removed from the environment.
Achieving this label comes after performing an external benchmark assessment against internationally recognized best-practice plastic accounting frameworks by South Pole, a leading climate solutions provider and climate action project developer. “We have been working with Vinventions for the past 2 years to map the Nomacorc Blue Line plastic footprint across their key markets. The footprint exercise concluded that the majority of the plastic waste is already collected by existing infrastructure in these markets. We made recommendations for tackling the residual amount of waste through mitigation activities, including Vinventions’ own wine closure collection initiatives and additional investments in plastic waste collection projects”, says Irene Hofmeijer, Practice Lead Circular Economy at South Pole.
“We have developed for 10 years now our own wine closure collecting programs in the different markets which represent 20 million of closures collected every year, with more than 80 tons of collected closures in France for example. To ensure that 100 % equivalent of the plastic used for the Blue Line is well managed, we are also investing in a wider ecosystem of community collection and recycling activities through Mr&Mme Recyclage in France”, Romain Thomas, Nomacorc Brand Manager at Vinventions.
In that project, our role is to connect Vinventions with our network of beach clean-up, recycling and reuse associations so they can organize even better operations and increase their positive impact on nature. We are very proud to help create a pool to develop smaller entities, thanks to our expertise, and be the first company in Europe to originate an additional plastic collection program for mechanical recycling through plastic credits.
Thanks to these mitigation efforts, for every ton of plastic the Nomacorc Blue Line uses, an equivalent amount is permanently removed from the environment. Vinventions’ plastic efforts do not aim to stop there and are part of a wider sustainability ambition reducing the company’s environmental footprint but also helping to address global plastic pollution. “All these efforts cannot be done alone, and we would like to thank customers who trust us and support our sustainability journey like Cora Match in France or Fontanafredda in Italy. Our ambition now is to go further and increase the recycled content up to 100% for our Blue Line closures. We also aim to increase our wine closure collections and recycling activities over the coming years and continue to invest in plastic waste collection projects that drive immediate climate impact across geographies and at scale”, notes Romain Thomas.
Click here to know about the South Pole Footprint Assessment for Vinvenstions’ Blue Line.
About South Pole
South Pole, recognized by the World Economic Forum as a Social Enterprise, has been at the forefront of decarbonization since 2006. With its global climate solutions platform, South Pole develops and implements comprehensive strategies that turn climate action into long-term business opportunities for companies, governments, and organisations around the world.
South Pole is also a leading project developer, and has provided nearly 1,000 projects in over 50 countries with climate finance to reduce over a gigaton of CO2 emissions, and to provide social benefits to less privileged communities who are particularly vulnerable to climate change.
For more information, visit www.southpole.com or follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.
About Mr&Mme Recyclage
Mr. & Mme Recyclage (Mr. and Mrs. Recycling) is a French independent engineering office providing comprehensive recycling schemes and formations about waste management. M. & Mme Recyclage is publicly registered as a mission-driven company with one goal: to educate people about the global challenges posed by waste production, consumption, and disposal. M. & Mme Recyclage has already produced and published more than a hundred free infographics, videos or reports renowned in the industry. Plastic credits feed a fund: Le fond M. & Mme Recyclage, which is part of their strategy to support operational activities such as plastic reduction (reusable packaging), recycling, clean-up, and sensibilization.